Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Glog Project

The glogger project was wonderful. I loved the group work and for something so individualistic, we worked really well together to make a glog page that we all liked (good team work Jessica, Alden & Caroline).


SERIOUSLY? wikispaces makes me homicidal ........

after having such a great experience that culminated our reading, class participation, interpretation, and discussion, we have to then post it on to wiki-crap-spaces.... I honestly don't know why we use it.... Its like having a delicious meal... and then a crappy dessert.. it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth...

Wiki-spaces...... you suck...

and if you don't know how to find your own glog address... you suck too..

1 comment:

  1. agreed . . .I don't like wikispaces either . . but the rapid commercialization/commodification of the web leaves us with few non-intrusively "monetized" alternatives . . .
